10 Things About Girls That Boys Just Don’t Understand
1. They Are Never Satisfied With Their Dress And Always Ready To Buy A New One For A Party.
2. Girls Are Great At Remembering Dates.
They can brilliantly memorize even minute details, especially dates. And then trouble their boyfriend or spouse, “Jaanu when did you touch me or kiss me first? When and where did we meet? blah blah..
3. They Have An X-Ray Machine Fit Into Their Eyes.
They almost scan each and every girl who passes by or even from the gate of the college, including her dress, accessories, hairdo, footwear, and so on. I can’t even remember what I wore yesterday? Ah, girls have a fabulous memory.
4. They Find Luxury Irresistible.
5. Although Women Expect An Honest Answer From Us, They Always Want Us To Speak What They Like To Hear.
6. Their Crave For Window Shopping
How can they afford to waste so much of time in just wandering through various shops and malls, asking the prices with no intention of buying a single thing.
7. Why So Jealous Woman?
A large mass of women seem to be envious with every other woman regarding herself as the most excellent. But tell me woman, what if someone else is better than you? You can’t be the perfect in each field or the greatest all the time so why you can’t consider some other person superior to you.
However, a girl meets every other girl as her best friend and hugs like they have met after years.
8. They Are Confused About What They Aspire.
I think they don’t really know as to what they want from their husbands or their boyfriends. Girls always want to change and modify them or rather I would say ‘personalize’ them and when they are truly likewise, they say ‘you have changed and are not the one whom I loved’. Till then, I myself forget who I was? Shit man
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